Winter Portrait Sessions

I’m embarrassed to admit that I really haven’t been doing much with my photography for various reasons. But late fall of 2017 and in the first week of the new year, a few people kindly let me practice a little portraiture. These are the first portraits I’ve done with my new camera and there are definitely things I need to work on in addition to my technique, but the results are too bad.

If you go back several posts, you’ll see photos from the first portraiture session that I ever shot on my own. My lovely model was trombonist Erica Rybinski. She asked me to do a few new pictures recently and here are the results.

From that summer I worked on my portraiture, another one of my models got in touch again, but this time, she needed photos of her singing group. This is the biggest group I’ve shot and again, my skills were really tested.

Both sessions were shot at the University of Saskatchewan which presented a lot of unique challenges, especially with the lighting. Again, I have a lot of work to do and I really should borrow people more often to do sessions. Maybe you’ll be my next volunteer!

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