‘Tis the season…to catch a cold.

It’s been awhile since I last posted something but between school, work, and life, it’s been tricky to sit down and write.  Of course, I’m still not 100% sure how I’m going to use my site here which doesn’t help in coming up with posts!  I have a few thoughts though that I hope to write soon but I’m not sure when I’ll be able to do so since I have currently been stuck down by millions of bits of nucleic acid covered in a protein shells.  In other words, I have a cold.

One of the reasons why I was – and still am – so interested in microbiology was because of how amazing disease is.  I always tell people that if you think the human body is an incredible machine, throw in a wrench like a virus into it and watch how things change and break down.  Perhaps it’s just that I’m a bit twisted but it’s fascinating to think that organisms that are so small and simple could even reek such havoc on us.  Okay, I’m certainly not going to die from a simple cold but for the next few day, it’s going to change my life.  I’ll have to stay home from work, use an obscene amounts of tissues, move slowly because of my limited lung capacity, and use what little energy I have to concentrate on trivial things like thought.  We call ourselves higher life forms and some are conceited enough to think that the world was made for us but really, if we can be knocked out so easily, who’s truly the higher life form?

Okay, the virus is winning the battle in my body right now so I think it’s time for more meds and a nap….ugh……..