Another attempt at astrophotography

Photography is something I’ve always been interested in and I’ve enjoyed taking pictures artistically on and off for years.  I admit that I get a little frustrated and disappointed when confronted with the pretentiousness of the art not to mention equipment irritations but inevitably, I always come back to it because it’s fun.  It’s a great way to show people what you ‘see’.

And of course, being a science geek, astronomy is something that’s always fascinated me as well.  After all, the universe is a very beautiful place!  So put the two together and we have astrophotography!  But taking pictures of the night sky isn’t the easiest thing in the world, even with modern technology.  It tends to be a very ‘trial and error’ kind of endeavour.  Every now and then, I’ve tried to take pictures of our moon to varying degrees of success but for some reason, I never continue.

But I’m at a point in my life where not only do I need another creative outlet but I also have a deep desire to continue learning about the universe which I temporarily stopped doing.  So behold, my most recent attempt at astrophotograpy!

This picture was taken on February 28, 2012 in the back alley.  It’s the Moon, Jupiter, and Venus in a row.  This spring is going to be amazing for astronomy since Saturn, Mars, and even Mercury – all 5 naked eye planets – are also ‘roaming’ around in the skies so I may just be posting more pictures in the future!